Berlin: +49 30 88702382 | Athens: +30 210 7008720 | Thessaloniki: +30 2310 284408 [email protected]

Contact the Law Firm

Each case is unique, tell us more about your needs.

Share with us the information about your case via email, phone or using the contact form.

Tell us more about your case

Contact the law firm and share basic information about your legal needs with us. Each case is specific and unique, and we need to know some details about it in order to understand if we are the right law firm to help you.

We will get back to you shortly

As soon as we have reviewed the information you have provided, a representative of our law firm will get in touch with you to explain how we can work together.

Request legal advice or hire the law firm

If you want to proceed with your case you can request legal advice or, in cases where this is not mandatory, proceed by hiring our law firm to handle your case and legal needs.

A Transparent Process

How can we start working together on your case?

First Contact and Initial Case Evaluation

Contact the law firm and share basic information about your legal problem with us.

You will talk via phone or email with a representative of the firm. The firm representative will work with you to get all the information that we need to evaluate your case and determine how we can support you.

Our assessment of your legal situation is free. You will never be billed for contacting us and discussing your legal needs with our representatives.

In-Person or Online Private Consultation

During our private, in-depth consultation, we will discuss the legally relevant details of your case and your potential legal solutions.

You are welcome to visit us at our law offices in Athens, Thessaloniki and Berlin. We can also do the consultation by phone or online (e.g., Zoom, Skype).

Ongoing consulting, advice and regular updates

If you decide to instruct us, you will be guided throughout the process and we will make it easy for you to provide us with all the information and documents we need to proceed.

We regularly update you on the status of your case, send you reminders about the next legal step to fix your legal problems, and make sure that you don’t miss any important deadlines or information.

Client Testimonials

The law firm in Greece of choice for your international legal needs related to Greek Law

Settlement in Greece of a non-EU citizen by Ms. Leptokaridou,
has drawn up a concrete remuneration agreement and also promised further processing after receipt of payment.

P. L.

Despite the holidays, Ms. Leptokaridou got back to me really fast and addressed my concerns professionally. She explained the legal costs to me from the start. I requested that we immediately arrange a consultation. During the meeting, we discussed the next steps for my case. I greatly recommend this service!


Ms. Leptokaridou is a competent and friendly lawyer with a very high level of expertise. I am very happy that I met and entrusted her. Your work on my case was excellent! I would go back again and again. I can only recommend it with all my heart.

O. M.

After I had already written to lawyers twice and received no feedback, I was particularly pleased about the quick response. In a telephone conversation, the further procedure was discussed honestly, also with regard to the costs that I would have to pay. I will continue to try with Ms Leptokaridou’s help and the legal protection.

H. H.

We represent your legal interests in front of any Greek and German court operating as member of Thessaloniki and Berlin Bar Associations.

International Law firm in Greece and Germany

You are welcome to visit us in our international law offices in Athens, Thessaloniki and Berlin

Athens, Greece

Aerial view of Leoforos Nikis in Thessaloniki at Sunset


Zalokosta 8
10671 Athens

[email protected]

+30 210 7008720

Thessaloniki, Greece

Aerial view of Leoforos Nikis in Thessaloniki at Sunset


Leoforos Nikis 1
54624 Thessaloniki

[email protected]

+30 2310 284408

Berlin, Germany

Aerial view of Berlin Mitte at Sunset

Berlin Mitte (HQ)

Unter den Linden 10
10117 Berlin

Berlin Charlottenburg

Schlüterstrasse 37
10629 Berlin

[email protected]

+49 30 88702382

Law Firm Leptokaridou

Your International Law Firm in Greece.